Wednesday, October 30, 2013

                                                                NSA Spying

   The article that we were tasked with reading this week was about the revelations that the NSA had tapped many phone calls, including those of 35 World Leaders. These startling allegations came to light when whistle blower Edward Snowden leaked classified documents.

      There are many mixed emotions regarding Edward Snowden. Some people believe that he is another Benedict Arnold, and he should suffer the consequences for his traitorous actions. In my opinion, I do not believe that what Snowden did was all bad. Yes, he should not have leaked classified documents. However, he did expose a program that was not legal and needed to be exposed before it expanded even further.  So, in the end I am thankful that Snowden exposed this outrageous governmental spying program but he should have gone about it a different way, maybe through Congressional hearings?

I also find it ironic that President Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize because of his ability to get along with foreign leaders, and now he has angered many of those same leaders because of this horrible violation of  privacy that was orchestrated by his administration.

Monday, October 21, 2013

                       These latest violent riots in Russia have just reaffirmed to me how divided and chaotic this crazy world is. From the uprising and Libya and the toppling of the ruthless and oppressive dictator Moammar Gadhafi, to the recent terrorist attacks at at mall in Kenya, all the the way to this latest act of senseless violence, this trend is becoming increasingly concerning to me.

In my opinion, which is an opinion shared by most I believe, legal immigration is good. They key word is LEGAL. I have no problem with someone who wants to come into this country legally in an attempt to pursue a better life for themselves and their family. I am of the belief that people interacting from different cultures, religious beliefs, economic backgrounds and other differences, is typically good for society.

However, with the latest incident in Russia just adding to the  long list of acts of violence based on religious and or ethnic differences, it gets me thinking about the policy of isolationism. If the U.S. implements a policy of isolationism, in which we are cut off from the rest of the would, and thus preventing other ethnic and religious groups from coming in, it would potentially  prevent the U.S. from  having similar riots themselves.

Now, let me be clear, I think a policy of complete isolationism for the U.S. would be a bad idea. I believe that we need to remain engaged with other countries not only to build alliances but also to potentially work out trade deals, that could be enriching to all countries involved. Its just, when I read about another uprising/riot in a foreign country, it gets me thinking about ideas to prevent the U.S. from suffering the same fate. However, this idea of complete isolationism is perhaps extreme and should never happen for real.

Thursday, October 17, 2013


              First off, when reading this article, I have an overwhelming sense of sadness. Even though I thought this article was very interesting because it came from the perspective of the people who were there during this heinous attack, I am still filled with profound sadness. I am sad because, obviously. when thinking about the fact that many innocent people were senselessly murdered, it is hard for me to come to grips with such an atrocity. I have always been proud to be an American but an event like this always makes me thankful that I live in America. As an American I do not have to worry about getting killed just because I may not share the same views as other people.

   Also, well reading this, I am also filled with concern. I am filled with concern because as far as I can tell there seems that there will always be some violent, extremists in the world who will persecute and kill people just for holding different views. Sadly, I am not smart enough  to figure out how to stop these extremists

                    The Government Shutdown causes many emotions to run through my veins. The two biggest emotions that I am feeling are frustration and concern.

      Frustration is boiling over in me just because of the fact that both sides, the Democrats and Republicans, refuse to talk or negotiate. Both sides should be ashamed of themselves. Instead of playing this game of "political chicken" and waiting for the other side to blink, at the expense of the American people, they need to stop acting like children and work together. I have said this many times before but I think it is worth repeating, if I were President, I would demand that both sides, go in a comfortable room, lock the door, order some Mexican food, some beer, and do not come out until they have come up with a solution. That may seem like a simple solution, however, I really think it could work.  It is just like a parent putting a misbehaving child in a timeout. After a child is forced to go to his room for a while, he usually calms down  and is able to be reasonable. Democrats and Republicans are acting like children, why not treat them like children.

      This shutdown fiasco also fills me with concern. The reason this situation fill me concern is because not only is there intense fighting and bickering between Republicans and Democrats, but there is also fighting within the Republican party. I will be honest, I am a Republican. So for a selfish reason, this infighting in the party really concerns me. If the Republicans do not stop fighting and arguing amongst themselves, they will always remain divided, and therefore hurt their chances to have a clear message. A clear message is paramount if the Republicans ever have a chance to win another Presidential Election.

    All I know is, this Shutdown needs to get resolved quickly.
                            This week for our blog we read an article about the "golden age" of television and, more specifically, sexism in television. This article raised many questions, "Why does their seem to be more men in leading roles on TV shows" Is there indeed sexism towards women in the TV industry? Also, 'why is it that most leading roles in a TV series have the role of "anti-hero"

Firs, let me start off by talking about why most leading men on television play the role of the "anti-hero." In my opinion, this is because it is what people want.  What I mean by that is, given human nature, people want to see violence, action, and drama. That desire coupled with the desire for people to see people on television that make them feel better about themselves, means that the role of the "anti-hero" fits what people want to see.

 Secondly,  I would like to discuss the theory that there is sexism on television and more leading roles are given to men then women. I care deeply about women's rights and I will always be respectful towards women. However, in terms of men getting leading roles over women, who cares. I do not mean to be disrespectful to women but television is meant to be entertaining to people. People need to  take a step back and realize that TV is purely meant for entertainment. Not everything has to be so politically correct all the time. If people want to see more men, and men fit the role, then so be it!

Also, there has been a rich history of women in great leading roles in television history. One example that comes to mind is "Friends" starring Jennifer Aniston. People loved that show and it became one of the most watched shows in history, not because a woman had the leading role, but because it was a funny, well-written, entertaining show. Thats the bottom line. While watching television shows people want to be entertained, and if that means a man is better for the part than a women, so be it.
